Become a Member
Let us support
your business
We have a great set of Membership Benefits - from inclusion in our Monthly Newsletter Directories to a beautiful display on our website, to social media support and sharing and flyer design - we're here to help uplift your business and encourage residents and visitors alike to enjoy what the Woodson County Area has to offer and "Shop Small."
Bronze ($85/year)
Business referrals
Business promotion through our social media; up to 12 posts / year + event promotion
Marketing and branding advice
Ribbon cutting services including Grand Openings, Anniversaries, and Relocation
Featured on Woodson County Chamber of Commerce Online Directory
Included on Woodson County Chamber of Commerce Monthly Newsletter Back
â…› page ad in bi-annual Woodson County Travel Guide & Directory *next publishing year is 2025
Enrollment in Chamber Bucks Program
Silver ($125/year)
All Bronze Benefits
Design flyers and graphics for your business; up to 6 per year
Use of Chamber printer; limit 100 b&w copies & 100 color copies / year
â…› page ad in bi-annual Woodson County Travel Guide & Directory
Gold ($175/year)
All Bronze & Silver Benefits
Placed in rotation on Woodson County Chamber of Commerce LED Sign (HWY 54)
Placed in rotation for Woodson County Featured Chamber Member (Newsletter front)
¼ page ad in bi-annual Woodson County Travel Guide & Directory (in place of â…› page)
Platinum ($250/year)
All Bronze, Silver & Gold Benefits
Radio advertisement for your business on 101.5 KIKS (30 second ad spot / 20 seconds content)
½ page ad in bi-annual Woodson County Travel Guide & Directory (in place of ¼ page)
If you have multiple businesses, the price for the second membership of the same or lesser tier will be 20% off.